Sunday, April 1, 2012


3 in 5 American's plan on playing an April Fool's Day prank.  -->  Hey Cancer, this year the joke is on you! The 5 year survival rate is up to 67% - up from 49% in 1977!

40% of you say you plan to use facebook for your prank.  -->  30% more funds are raised by participants who fundraise on facebook.  

65% of you think no one is too old to celebrate April Fool's Day.  -->  77% of cancers are diagnosed in those 55 or older.  

The American Cancer Society's goal is to create a world with less cancer and more birthday's at EVERY age. cancer statistics are no joke, but the funds raised trough the Relay for Life are making a real impact.  Today, let's make the joke on cancer.  Donate TODAY!